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Terrorist Takedown Conflict in Mogadishu Pc Game Free Download Full Version

Somalia, 1993: U.S. forces deploy into Mogadishu for Operation Task Force Ranger, and engage in full-scale combat for the first time since the Vietnam war. As a member of the Army Rangers, the elite special operations force, you┤ll engage the fanatical followers of terrorist warlords in a furious battle for control of the city. Fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow squaddies, you may need to call in air support more than once! Prepare for a challenging campaign in which you┤ll rescue hostages, hunt down terrorist leaders, hit key enemy facilities, and protect supply convoys from hordes of bandits. Get ready for fast-paced, in-your-face combat - in Mogadishu, the action never stops! 10 Intense Single Player Missions: Lead your squad through the rebel occupied streets of Mogadishu, Somalia on foot and in heavily armed military vehicles, including HMMVVS and Blackhawks 9 Authentic Military Weapons: Includes the M9 Beretta, CAR-15, M16 with M203 Grenade launcher, MG249 SAW, M40A1 Sniper Rifle, Frag Grenade, Shotgun and LAW In Game Mission Map: Includes waypoints to help players complete mission objectives 

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